Muckley Research
Here you'll find research by Muckley household members on a variety of topics.
Literature and Culture
The First Book of Courtesy transliterated from middle English by Sir William Talbot.
This is a book of table manners and explanations for children of how they should behave. It would be useful for all of us to know that we should not spit into the wash basin while washing our fingers at the table.
The Second Book of Courtesy transliterated from middle English by Sir William Talbot.
This is a book of manners and moral lessons for children of how they should act. It may prove enlightening for us to learn how to properly share a bed with another person.
A General Rule To Teach Every Man That Is Willing To Learn To Serve A Lord Or Master In Everything To His Pleasure transliterated from middle English by Sir William Talbot.
This is a book teaching each member of a household what his or her duties should be.
The Apprentice Indenture of Kenwrec Wulfe transliterated from middle English by Sir William Talbot and adjusted to reflect Muckley and the SCA.
This is the indenture (or one very similar) signed by most of the apprentices of Muckley.
The Knighting Ceremony of Sir William Talbot by Sir William Talbot
The ceremony is based on the traditions established in the 13th century poem L'Ordene de Chevalerie, William Durands Pontifical (C. 1295,) the knightings at Henry IV's 1399 coronation, the early fifteenth century book Tirant lo Blanc by Sir Joanot Martorel and Elias Ashmole's Ceremonies of the Order of the Garter.
Chaucer's Canterbury Pilgrims by Sir William Talbot
An analysis of the social status of Chaucer's Canterbury Pilgrims and their reasons for going on the pilgrimage to Canturbury
A Bestiary by Sir William Talbot
A bestiary of animals that appear in the heraldry of members of the Shire of Vanished wood.
Training for a Career in the Hunt by Mistress Amy Talbot
A brief discussion of what it took to become a huntsman
The Sweetest of Smiles by Mistress Amy Talbot
A brief look at the interrelationship between dental hygiene and the increased use of refined sugars in the Renaissance
Major Events, People and Books of the 14th Century by Sir William Talbot
Just what the title says.
Material Culture, Clothing and Objects
Pilgrims Badges by Sir William Talbot
A brief discussion of pilgrim's badges and tokens
Phylacteries and Holy Relics by Sir William Talbot
A brief discussion of phylacteries and holy relics and their sales in the medieval period
Gemstones Known To Have Been Used In The Medieval Period by Sir William Talbot
A list of gemstones known to have been used in the medieval period
Bathing Costume in Renaissance Europe by Sir William Talbot
A brief look at Renaissance swimsuits.
Jewish Costume in the Middle Ages and Renaissance by Sir William Talbot
An examination of Jewish clothing in the Middle Ages and Renaissance with a special emphasis on hats
A Thousand Flowers by Mistress Amy Talbot
A discussion of milifiori tapestries
The Cloth of Honor by Mistress Amy Talbot
A brief examination of the cloth of honor.
À Ciel- To The Sky by Mistress Amy Talbot
A quick look at cloth banners in the middle ages.
Spectacles in the Middle Ages and the Renaissance by Sir William Talbot
A glimpse of Medieval and Renaissance eye glasses
The Nef by Sir William Talbot
A look at the boat shaped table adownment used to hold table ware.
The Wine Fountain by Sir William Talbot
An examination of win fountains at medieval feasts.
Gaming Equipment in the Middle Ages by Sir William Talbot
An overview of medieval game pieces and boards.
All Things Martial and Military
Boar Hunting Weapons of the Middle Agres and Renaissance by Sir William Talbot
An overview specialized weapons for hunting boar.
Knights of the Bathtub by Sir William Talbot
A quick look at the origins of the Knights of Bath.
Prizes in Medieval Tournaments by Sir William Talbot
A discussion of what prizes were actually given in the middle ages.
The Pas d'Armes by Sir William Talbot
An examination of this form of tournament.
The Royal Fellowship of Death by Sir William Talbot
French losses in the Hundred Years War.
The Triumph of English Nationalism by Mistress Amy Talbot
How the Hundred Years War helped England become a nation.
It Happened One Christmas by Sir William Talbot
Major historical events that happened on Christmas.
A Renaissance Christmas Game by Sir William Talbot
A brief discussion of a Christmas drinking game involving flaming spirits called snap-dragon!
The Popularization of the Beard at the Court of Francis I of France by Mistress Amy Talbot
The beard as a fashion statement was the result of a mishap at a Christmas party!
A Christmas Carol by Mistress Amy Talbot
Popular modern Christmas songs that date back ot the middle ages and Renaissance.
All Things Viking
Norse Religious Jewelry by Sir William Talbot
A brief discussion of major forms of Norse religious jewelry
Weddings in the Viking Age by Sir William Talbot
A brief look at weddings in the Viking age
The Viking by Mistress Amy Talbot
A discussion of the ship named The Viking (Often erroneously called The Raven) Sailed to the World's Columbian Exposition, held in Chicago in 1893.
Sauna-- The Greatest Contribution to Civilization by Mistress Amy Talbot
A quick look at the sauna
Talbot's Tirade by Sir William Talbot
A tirade against the use of terms such as "dragon" when talking about one's car in the SCA